Parenting Issues and Parenting Plan

Managing parenting disputes through mediation can benefit children


Parental issues

Relationship breakdown, separation and divorce are difficult experiences for children. The absence of one parent can feel like a significant loss and change can be hard to accept and adapt to. Chronic conflict both before and after separation between parents is a major stress on children and can seriously damage a child’s well-being. Children can feel abandoned, confused, powerless and responsible.

Children benefit enormously from having parents who attempt or appear able to resolve disagreements and to establish compromises. Mediation can facilitate this by focusing upon and encouraging discussion and consensus about some or all of the following:

  • Discussion about how to tell the child(ren) together that you are separating; offering clear, honest explanations at the level of their understanding and being clear that the child(ren) are not responsible for their parents’ difficulties

  • Agreeing quality time with both parents to reassure the child(ren) that their relationship will continue

  • Discussing boundaries, routines and discipline to ensure consistency between two separate households

  • Communication between parents with an emphasis upon valuing the role of the other parent and respecting each other’s privacy and autonomy

  • Maintaining contact with members of the wider family

  • Introducing new partners

  • External support

Parenting Plan

In joint mediation sessions we can help you formulate and provide you with a parenting plan. This is a written statement that sets out your mutual commitment and your hopes for how you will parent together, even though you live apart. It can cover practical things about your child(ren)’s life and how you will communicate together and consult about important issues now and in the future. It helps you to be wholly focussed upon your continuing role as parents to the child(ren) rather than being wholly focussed upon dividing the child(ren)’s time. The parenting plan will reflect the uniqueness of your family.

Get in touch now

5th Floor, 30-31 Furnival Street
London EC4A 1JQ