Jacqueline Marks
Jackie has more than 30 years’ experience as a family law barrister. Her practice has focussed upon complex financial disputes following relationship breakdown and private law children disputes.
She sits in the family court (including the financial remedies court) as a deputy district judge where she has gained a wealth of experience in encouraging parties to settle their dispute at an early stage in the court process.
She was asked to be one of a group of specialist family judges designated to hear First Hearing Dispute Resolution appointments in private law children cases. Jackie has understanding and sympathy for the complex emotional issues that often underpin family disputes.
Jackie qualified as a mediator with both the London School of Mediation and at Resolution. She has a diploma in psychology at the Open University and a postgraduate diploma in psychodynamic psychotherapy at The Portman and Tavistock NHS Trust.
She is continuing her training at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. She has an Honorary Placement as a psychotherapist in the NHS and sees patients regularly.